Friday, February 7, 2014

Oregon Coast Snow Day

It's hard to believe last week we had a wildfire going South of us.  Yesterday it snowed about 1 1/2" here, oh now I look out my window and see the flakes that were promised to us today start to fall.  This morning started out sunny and then became overcast around 11:30 a.m., waiting and waiting for this snow they said was coming.  Well, it's finally here.  I have been tuned into the FB and IG keeping up with other flower farmers around the area and their updates.  The main thing everyone is worried about, keeping the snow off the hoop houses.  Corvallis is getting hit hard with snow Mother Nature needs to GIVE THEM A BRAKE

This was yesterday I was trying out my new camera


Some pictures I took this morning

My husband just called to tell me he was headed home from work and it just started to snow.  Everyone stay warm and safe it will all be melted by Sunday.

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