Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

Can you believe the middle of March and we are experiencing strong storms with thunder and lighting? It was a break in the rain so I went out to cut plum branches for an order,  then all of the sudden thunder in the distance.  I hurried to get a few more branches cut and then a down pour.  I grabbed all my branches and got  to the garage before the lighting struck.  I was soaked.  I will try again tomorrow.

Got a big seed order done.  It takes me a few weeks before I finalize an order.  I check it over at least four times before I hit the send button.  Seed and shipping are so expensive I do a lot of checking back and forth on different web sites for the best buys.  But I finally did it and it will be sent April 2nd when I know the weather will be more conducive to planting.

My son found this growing in the window sill, wrapped it in a piece paper towel and wants to plant it.  I have no idea what kind of plant it is but the thought of not letting it grow to it's potential would not be setting a good example for him.

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